When transporting hydrocarbons, like all other dangerous goods, drivers must follow strict safety procedures and be able to respond immediately and appropriately to any safety concerns.
RoadMasters interactiveassessment programme includessimulations and practicalWhether you are operatingyour own fleet or usingsubcontractors, you shouldmeasure driver knowledge andskills in key areas to ensurehigh professional standards.— Best practices on the road— Best practices at loading sites— Hazard properties of hydrocarbons— Safety equipment— Road emergencies— Spill knowledge— Fire knowledge and prevention— Minimising harm to self and others— Fire fighting— General accident procedures— Handling spills— Safety assessments— Safe driving while transportinghydrocarbons— Safe and efficient loading andoffloading of hydrocarbons— Safe proceduresat loading facilitiesexercises covering a wide rangeof procedures and best practices,such as safety assessmentsand vehicle checks. Practicalactivities on safe driving, loadingand unloading and firefightingare included to enhancelearning outcomes.
The programme is in line with the Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR Agreement).